CHANDIGARH: Fresh speculations are on in Punjab after another Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA from Kharar assembly segment was spotted with chief minister of Punjab Charanjit Singh Channi in his car on Tuesday night. About two weeks back, the AAP faced a setback after the AAP MLA from Bathinda Rural (reserved) Rupinder Kaur Ruby quit […]
पर्यावरणविद् विमलेन्दु झा से आमने-सामने बातचीत | दिल्ली के बढ़ते प्रदूषण पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट सख्त
CHANDIGARH: Bollywood actor, Sonu Sood, on Sunday announced that his sister, Malvika Sood, will contest the Punjab polls, which are to be held early next year. However, he did not reveal the party choice. In the past month, Sood has held separate meetings with the Punjab chief minister Charanjit Singh Channi as well as Aam […]
CHANDIGARH: In a setback to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) just before Vidhan Sabha elections, the AAP MLA from Bathinda Rural (reserved) Rupinder Kaur Ruby quit the party on Tuesday and joined Congress. 33-year-old first time MLA Ruby tweeted her resignation which was addressed to AAP national convener ad Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab […]
DELHI: In a first of its kind, CM Arvind Kejriwal announced a Delhi bazaar Web portal on Wednesday to help Delhi businessmen from small and big markets showcase their products globally and help shoppers revel in purchasing their favourite picks from national capital’s iconic markets. The portal would be ready by August next year. He […]
NEW DELHI/GOA: There’s a degree of abandon and risk with which Prashant Kishor, a highly-ambitious and highly-rated poll-strategist, has switched sides after advising several political parties since 2014, so much that he has become a poacher for one and trotter for another. This, as India gears up for a political showdown in 2022 election battles […]