Modi's official post read, "I am delighted that the President of India has nominated Sudha Murty Ji to the Rajya Sabha. Sudha Ji's contributions to diverse fields including social work, philanthropy, and education have been immense and inspiring."
District officials are diligently investigating the incident, and while the exact cause of the fire remains undetermined, the administration assures a thorough probe.
Padmaja Venugopal, senior Congress leader and daughter of former Chief Minister K Karunakaran, all set to join the Bharatiya Janata Party
“This is a decisive step towards achieving the ambitious goals of the sustainable and scientific waste management campaign aimed at turning the entire state clean and green,”the Minister said on the occasion.
Bhayani compared Goddess Sita to Nita Ambani, wife of industrialist Mukesh Ambani, following the viral wedding of their son Anant Ambani.