Uttar Pardesh that is poised to witness a high-octained battle between the ruling BJP and the Samajwadi party-Congress combine will continue its tradition to witness the lok sabha elections starting with the western UP- the eipcentre of Jatt-Muslim riots and the belt of potato and sugarcane farmer. The phase 1 election starting from April 19 will see 8 constituencies: Saharanpur, Kairana, Muzzafarnagar, Bijnor, Nagina, Moradabad, Rampur and Pilibhit. In the phase 1, Kairana, Muzaffarnagar, Rampur and Pilibhit remain the key contests to watch for as Uunion Minister of State, Sanjeev Balyan is one of the prominet Jatt leaders who has made it to Modi cabinet twice from 2014 and 19 in his regime.
In a bid to tackle the formidable challenges posed by 4Ms: muscle, money, misinformation, and MCC violations, Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar has announced the Election Commission's robust strategy for the upcoming Lok Sabha and state assembly elections.
Rajiv Kumar, stated that the first phase of the elections is slated to take place on 20th March, 2024, and the date of poll will be 19th April. The elections will be done in seven phases.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) also announced the designation of four branches of the Jammu and Kashmir Peoples League (JKPL) — specifically, JKPL (Mukhtar Ahmed Waza), JKPL (Bashir Ahmad Tota), JKPL (Ghulam Mohammad Khan), and JKPL (Aziz Sheikh) under the leadership of Yaqoob Sheikh — as 'Unlawful Associations'.
The ED had lodged two separate complaints against Kejriwal. The Chief Minister appeared before the Court, which then asked him to furnish a bail bond of Rs 15,000 while granting him bail in both matters.