Addressing the party office bearers and cadres after releasing the party manifesto, Chief Minister Stalin said, "It is the DMK which makes the manifesto before elections and continues to do what we say, this is what our leaders taught us. Schemes that were implemented under the Dravidian model for the betterment of Tamil Nadu will be taken across India."
In his response, Vikram Sampath underscored his stance by stating, "Sorry @saurabhtop - no 'micro pressure group' to write about Gyan Vapi history by 'koi Vikram Sampath'...if presenting history as it is, is identity politics & pressure, then so be it."
Batra is closely collaborating with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to analyse ongoing issues related to the Model Code of Conduct. His involvement in this area highlights his proactive approach to ensuring compliance with electoral guidelines and regulations.
During his visit, Prime Minister Modi will engage in crucial discussions with Bhutan's leadership, including an audience with King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and talks with Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay.
Engaging with over 150 voters ahead of the Election Commission's polling announcement, it's evident that a triangular showdown awaits in this hilly district. Dominated by Hindus and Christians, with a minority Muslim presence, it's shaping up to be an intriguing political arena.