In a shocking incident that has sparked widespread outrage, a video showing a couple being flogged in public has surfaced from Uttar Dinajpur district's Chopra area in West Bengal. West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose expressed shock over the incident and has sought an immediate report from Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. "He condemned the incident and has sought an immediate report from CM Banerjee," an official confirmed.
A disturbing video of a woman and a man being flogged in public by Tajimul Islam is surfacing on social media. Tajimul Islam, better known as ‘JCB’ among locals is known to be associated with the political party TMC.
The New Indian’s Editor-in-Chief, Aarti Tikoo, speaks with Shiv Kunal Verma, a renowned military historian, strategist, author, and filmmaker. In this exclusive interview with Editor-in-Chief Aarti Tikoo, Verma delves deep into the Indo-China border dispute, sharing his expert insights and historical perspective. Verma discusses the ongoing standoff on the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with […]
BJP’s allly @WeSupportTDP says we’re rock solid & unanimous on Om Birla as Lok Sabha speaker @TeluguDesamPartyOfficial MP & Civil aviation minister Ram Naidu, close to @NaraChandrababuNaiduofficial , speaks to Rohan Dua exclusively ahead of Speaker election on Jun 26, Wednesday on The New Indian. Democracy is about building consensus, not condition: Union civil aviation […]
The committee, led by Member of Parliament Biplab Kumar Deb, was tasked with investigating the alleged political violence and administrative malpractices in the state.