Prime Minister Narendra Modi while addressing the Parliament spoke on the NEET paper leaks issue for the very first time. He said that the Government is making war-like efforts. PM Modi said, "I will tell every student of the country, every youth of the country that the government is very serious about preventing such incidents and we are taking one step after another to fulfill our responsibilities on a war footing."
Banerjee, not missing a beat, responded, "Sir, I am looking at you only… There is no one smarter in this House than you. There is no gentleman like you… Everyone looks at you only."
In a charged Lok Sabha session, Prime Minister Narendra Modi ignited controversy with a sharp remark aimed at Congress MP Rahul Gandhi.
NEW DELHI: Several portions of Rahul Gandhi’s maiden speech as Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha were expunged from the Parliament’s records on Monday. Gandhi’s speech, which targeted the central government on a variety of issues, including the treatment of minorities, the NEET exam, and the Agnipath scheme, faced backlash from the Treasury benches […]
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu has suggested a face-to-face meeting with Telangana's Chief Minister Revanth Reddy.