BENGALURU: On Friday, the Government of India announced the winners of the 68th National Film Awards. The ‘Best Actor’ award for the year is shared by Suriya and Ajay Devgn for their performances in ‘Soorarai Pottru’ and ‘Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior’ respectively. While this is Suriya’s first National Award, Ajay Devgn has bagged the honour […]
NEW DELHI: Hours after the Delhi LG Vinai Kumar Saxena recommended CBI inquiry into Delhi Liquor Policy 2021-22, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said the BJP is after them as the party is scared of AAP’s expansion in the country. Kejriwal also said that the case is fake. “I told you three months ago, and […]
NEW DELHI: A day after the Trinamool Congress decided to abstain from voting in the Vice President election, opposition candidate Margaret Alva on Friday broke her silence describing the decision as “disappointing”. The veteran politician also said that this is not the time for ‘whataboutery’, ego or anger but time for courage and leadership. “The […]
KOLKATA: A six-year-old girl, the youngest patient in India, who was not able to swallow food for almost three years, undergoes removal of obstruction in food pipe by a special endoscopic procedure at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Recently the Department of Gastroenterology at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital received a patient who had repeated vomitings and […]
NEW DELHI: The National High-Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) on Friday said that it has invited bids for the design and construction of the Bandra-Kurla Complex station in Mumbai. The NHSRCL is the implementing agency for the bullet train project. The project will see a high-speed rail corridor between Ahmedabad and Mumbai, where the train […]