
Fergana Valley & Islamic Movement Of Uzbekistan

  The three characteristics that make Fergana stand out are that this patch is where the borders of Tajikistan Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan meet (the valley spreads in all three countries); this is the most populated area in central Asia; and this valley has a historic Islamist character – Turko-Uzbeg invader Babur was from Fergana, as […]

Why Central Asian ‘Heartland’ Is A Series Of Ticking Bombs

How is the world responding to China’s newly unleashed Wolf Warrior diplomacy? To be honest, the West, which is just about waking up to this phenomenon now has so far been ‘shocked’ or ‘surprised’, but to the smaller and weaker neighbours of China, this nature of projection has resulted in a certain amount of stress […]

Modernisation of Madrasas

As someone who survived a madrasa educated mother run by the Jamaat-e-Islami of Kashmir in the 60s and 70s, I am all for the modernisation of madrasas to bring them on par with modern times and the employability requirements of Indian Muslims in the 21st century. It wasn’t easy dealing with the superstitious, xenophobic and […]

West Focuses On Asia With Tokyo And Davos Summit In Same Week

This final week of May 2022 is quite significant. There is a WEF summit going on in Davos, while Tokyo just witnessed the formation of a new economic bloc that has 12 countries – one that is being called the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework or IPEC. This summit was held on May 23 and was attended […]

CPEC Is An Indication Of A Bigger Problem For China

The conventional thinking among the Indian population, those that are aware of the behemoth named CPEC, is that it is China’s way of encircling India by debt-trapping Pakistan into a project that Pakistan does not have the financial capacity to absorb. And they would be partially correct in assuming so. An infrastructural project of that […]