
‘All Political Discourse Today In France Sounds Like Debate About India’

A non-resident Indian citizen based in Paris, Akshay Bakaya has been teaching Hindi for the last 30 years to French and other foreign nationals, many of whom have made a name for themselves in diplomacy, academia and classical arts. In other words, he has been a vehicle of India’s soft power in France. He spoke to Aarti […]

Lenin’s Tug Of War With Modern Physics (Part 2)

Carrying forward  the argument from the last piece on the anti-science cult of Marxists, churches suppressed science because not many discoveries had come their way and they always wanted to preserve orthodoxy. But the persecution of science by Marx and his followers was indeed a troubling revelation for me as they always portray themselves to […]

Cultural Atheism Making Indian Marxists Hostile to Indian Civilisation

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the installation of a giant statue of Adi Sankara at Kedarnath on November 5, 2021. On the reconstructed Samadhi of the great seer Prime Minister said, “Adi Shankaracharya’s samadhi is a supernatural view of India’s spiritual prosperity and breadth.” “The meaning of Shankar in Sanskrit is – ‘Sham Karoti Saha Shankarah’, […]

The Anti-Science Cult Of Marxists (Part 1)

While I was a student of Architecture, Marxism appeared the movement and political will of rationalists. I studied the subject of “Dialectic Materialism” with utmost care and in no time turned red by thought. But with time, the realizations walked in and I could see that “Marxism” is no different than an Abrahamic Religion. Of […]

India’s FabIndia Attempted To Impose Unrelatable Phrase, USA’s Target Honoured Diwali’s Essence

The Seers fashioned the Word by means of their mind Sifting it as with sieves the corn is sifted. Thus, friends may recognize each other’s friendship. An auspicious seal upon their word is set. – Rig Veda, X, 71.   Batuh: (Pupil) Oh! Dear, you have a dilemma, Sir. Nevertheless the customs that were set […]