NEW DELHI: A day after Bajrang Dal voiced protests against the scheduled sale of meat and liquor at Diljit Dosanjh’s Indore concert, the singer performed in the city on Sunday. As part of his ongoing Dil-Luminati Tour, the Indore gig did not serve any alcohol or meat at the venue. An attendee confirmed that there […]
NEW DELHI: Renowned tutor and popular YouTuber from Patna, Khan Sir, has been hospitalized following a health deterioration during protests against the changes to the rules for the upcoming 70th Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) Preliminary Examination. A video of Khan Sir has surfaced, showing his health suddenly deteriorating during the demonstration. He was subsequently […]
US President Donald Trump addressed several key topics, showing his characteristic confidence and directness.
Efforts to reinforce Indian border security also include strengthening border fencing, constructing new roads, and undertaking critical infrastructure projects.
NEW DELHI: India’s tiger population has experienced significant growth of 6.1%, bringing the estimated number of tigers to 3,682, according to the report “Status of Tigers: Co-predators and Prey in India-2022,” released as part of the International Tiger Day celebrations. The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) and the Wildlife Institute of India jointly released the […]