Hours after Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri tweeted about the Rohingya Muslims being given homes in Delhi, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) hit back, stating that they would not allow this to happen as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is trying to gain political benefits with the issue.
The central government on Wednesday refuted media reports claiming that it was planning to provide low-cost flats to “Rohingya illegal migrants” in the Bakkarwala area of Delhi. In a statement, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said that the Arvind Kejriwal-led Delhi government had proposed to shift the Rohingyas to a new location. “With respect […]
Investigations into the cattle smuggling scam have revealed that arrested Trinamool Congress (TMC) strongman Anubrata Mondal managed to make huge amounts of money during the posting of BSF Commandant Satish Kumar
Shanti Devi is overwhelmed with mixed feelings of joy and renewed pain as she receives the mortal remains of her husband, an Indian Army soldier, 38 years after he went missing in Siachen, the Himalayas. The 64-year-old ‘Veer Naari’, as widows of Army men are known, was just 26 when she received the tragic […]
Pema Khandu, Arunachal Pradesh, Chief Minister, is one of the youngest faces in Indian politics. The popular political figure just completed a euphoric celebration of six years of his government. Rohan Dua, Executive Editor of The New Indian, speaks to him