Justice Dhananjaya Yashwant Chandrachud took oath as the 50th Chief Justice of India in New Delhi on Thursday, succeeding Justice UU Lalit. He was named India’s top judge by his predecessor on October 11. Born in Mumbai in 1959, Justice Chandrachud will have a tenure of around 2 years – the longest in the recent past. His […]
Preparations are in their final stages as Prime minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate Terminal 2 of Kempegowda International Airport in Bengaluru on Friday. PM Modi will also unveil a 108-foot-tall statue of Kempe Gowda, the city's founder.
In a letter to Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, the Indian Medical Association (IMA) lodged a strong protest against the Haryana government’s 'bond policy’. It also questioned the ‘very competency of the policymakers’ in the letter.
Rajasthan Chief minister Ashok Gehlot on Tuesday dubbed the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s model of governance as toppling elected governments in the country.
On the sixth anniversary of demonetisation, the Congress slammed the central government dubbing it as “six years of organised loot and legalised plunder”.