Billionaire Mukesh Ambani on Friday announced investments worth Rs 75,000 crore to be rolled out over the next four years in the telecom sector, retail, and new energy business in Uttar Pradesh. He set a deadline of December 2023 to roll out 5G services, he informed the audience at the UP Investor Summit. Reliance will […]
Afcons Infrastructure Limited and Larsen & Toubro (L&T) Limited have submitted their bids to construct India's first undersea rail tunnel.
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Chief Mohan Bhagwat will visit Bihar on Friday for the inauguration of Guru Niwas at Maharshi Mehi Ashram amid tight security arrangements. Yoga guru Baba Ramdev will also be present at the occasion. A 12-member team from Nagpur reached Kuppaghat in the Bhagalpur district where the ashram is located. Top brass […]
Opposition calls cow hugging day unfortunate, BJP says they are creating chaos
While the world benefitted from India’s COVID vaccines, Congress MP questions the efficacy of COVID vaccines