BHOPAL: As the countdown trickles down to a few days in the run up to the Madhya Pradesh elections, The New Indian’s Executive Editor Rohan Dua engaged in a conversation about the state’s progress with Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan’s son, Kartikey Singh Chauhan, in Bhopal on Thursday. During the discussion, the 28-year-old recluse son […]
TMC MP Mahua Moitra betrayed the nation by sharing her login credentials with a UAE-based businessman, who paid her cash and gifts to ask questions in Parliament.
Mahua Moitra could be on the verge of losing her Lok Sabha seat and facing a prison sentence of up to 3 years.
TMC MP Mahua Moitra and journalist Rajdeep Sardesai as a critical piece of evidence in the unfolding cash-for-query case.
NEW DELHI: Security Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has intensified its probe on the accusations of market manipulation done by India’s oldest Ayurveda major Dabur India after the complaints with Delhi Police made startling disclosures on systematic diversion of more than Rs 1,006-crore from a core investment company Religare Enterprises Limited (REL) to Punjab’s spiritual […]
NEW DELHI: During an ethics committee hearing concerning the “cash-for-query” scandal, Trinamool Congress Lok Sabha Member of Parliament (MP) Mahua Moitra acknowledged receiving various gifts, including a scarf and chauffeur-driven rides in Mumbai and Dubai on multiple occasions, as well as “some items of make-up” and basic architectural drawings to make her government accommodation vaastu compliant. […]
As a matter of fact, the New Indian also sent queries to Apple's India team, which refused to reply thus far.
NEW DELHI: In an explosive expose, The New Indian found out that all the iPhone alerts received by the opposition INDIA alliance’s parliamentarians mentioned Access Now for support — a non-profit organization founded in 2009 with a mission to defend and extend the digital civil rights of people around the world, according to their homepage. […]
NEW DELHI: Rohan Dua, the Executive Editor of The New Indian, reiterated his firm stance against media houses that have received financial support from Islamist countries and other forces with the intention of jeopardising India. He voiced his concerns during a panel discussion alongside Shefali Vaidya, Raghav Krishna, and Anand Ranganathan at the Western Ghats Lit Fest […]
Embarking on a journey into the mesmerizing realm of talent and versatility, Pratik Gandhi has left an indelible mark. From the riveting portrayal of Harshad Mehta in “Scam 1992” to a tapestry of diverse roles in cinema, his path is nothing short of inspirational. In an exclusive interview with The New Indian’s Executive Editor, Rohan […]