Delhi’s top brass, including Commissioner Sanjay Arora and Spl Commissioner HGS Dhaliwal, were in action too. After winning the toss, Media XI decided to bowl first Delhi Police scored 225 runs with the loss of 8 wickets. They then bowled out Media XI for 156. Inspector Mandeep was named player of the match for his 68 runs. Spl Commissioner […]
Justice Abdul Nazeer led the Constitution Bench that upheld the 2016 demonetisation process. He was also part of the SC bench that paved the way for the construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya
Tibetan Youth Congress in Delhi celebrates the 100th anniversary of the 13th Dalai Lama’s proclamation of reaffirmation of Tibet’s independence
Her rather nascent public life is replete with instances that prove elite education doesn't essentially make one sensitive.
On Feb 8, Adani Wilmar’s depot warehouse was searched by tax authorities of Himachal Pradesh for alleged tax violation.
The Adani Group – which is struggling to restore investor confidence following allegations of fraud – will invest in the construction and strengthening of logistics in UP.
India's top court has said that it was not “casting aspersions on any regulatory framework” but "having a dialogue".
Dealing with Daesh and terror outfits like LeT and JeM requires intensified intelligence and security cooperation between respective nations and their agencies, NSA Doval said.
As India dominates Australia, southpaw breaks the Indian legend record with an incredible fifer and a half century
Stones, blood stains were found in the car parking area, window panes were broken in Union MoS house in Thiruvananthapuram