Earlier, Congress had announced ₹2,500 per month for women under the Pyari Didi Yojana on January 6 and free medical treatment worth up to ₹25 lakh for Delhi residents under the Jeevan Raksha Yojana on January 8.
NEW DELHI: The Congress party has announced financial assistance of ₹8,500 per month to educated unemployed youths in Delhi for one year if it comes to power on January 12.
Prioritizing the importance of supporting young professionals in Delhi, Sachin Pilot stated, “After forming the Congress government in Delhi, we will provide one year of apprenticeship and financial assistance of ₹8,500 per month to educated and unemployed youth.”
दिल्ली में रहने वाले हमारे युवा और शिक्षित साथियों को संबल देना सरकार का दायित्व है। अगर युवा हतोत्साहित होगा तो ये देश के लिए अच्छी बात नहीं है।
इसलिए हमने निर्णय लिया है कि दिल्ली में कांग्रेस सरकार बनने के बाद शिक्षित और बेरोजगार युवाओं को एक साल की अप्रेंटिसशिप और 8,500 रुपए… pic.twitter.com/1zeWIJs2uy
— Congress (@INCIndia) January 12, 2025
Earlier, Congress had announced ₹2,500 per month for women under the Pyari Didi Yojana on January 6 and free medical treatment worth up to ₹25 lakh for Delhi residents under the Jeevan Raksha Yojana on January 8.
However, when The New Indian conducted ground-level interactions to gauge voter sentiment, many people expressed skepticism, stating that they would not fall for “freebie politics” anymore. Addressing these concerns, Congress General Secretary Sachin Pilot assured voters that this initiative is not “free money.”
“We will provide financial assistance to youths who can showcase their skills in a company, factory, or organization. They will receive this money through these entities. This is not a scheme under which one gets paid while sitting at home,” Mr. Pilot clarified.
Highlighting the failures of the current central and state governments in addressing unemployment, Pilot remarked, “Creating jobs should be the foremost priority of any government. However, both the central and state governments have ignored unemployed youth. Educated children deserve employment opportunities, but despite being in power, neither government has delivered.”
He further criticized the AAP and BJP for neglecting public issues. “Across the country, youth are frustrated. In Delhi, their condition is worrisome, but neither the BJP nor AAP has paid any attention to them. Both parties have engaged in blame games, failing to deliver on their promises and forgetting the people.”
Reflecting on Congress’s past achievements, Pilot said, “During our tenure, we excelled in the IT sector, and I personally contributed as a minister. Today, politics in Delhi has been reduced to mere accusations and counter-accusations.”
Aimed at addressing key issues like women’s empowerment, healthcare, and unemployment, these guarantees mark a significant step in Congress’s campaign strategy. The party hopes these measures will reverse its fortunes in the upcoming Delhi elections, where it failed to secure any seats in the past two assembly polls.
Polling for the 70-member Delhi Assembly will be held on February 5, and votes will be counted on February 8.