Who is travelling & How


Last year and a half was particularly tough for people with itchy feet. Work from home routines and no separation between personal and professional livesโ€ฆ

Last year and a half was particularly tough for people with itchy feet. Work from home routines and no separation between personal and professional lives created a vacuum in the lives of people and so, they started travelling as soon as travel was allowed.

A consumer sentiment survey on travel conducted by Intermiles shows some interesting travel consumption patterns among the Indians.


Do people seek an escape from WFH monotony?

WFH and social isolation has reignited the need for some adventure in life. About 9% of people among those who were surveyed chose to go abroad and 14% chose domestic travel as soon as they could. Family visits are becoming big as close to 31% of those surveyed shared that they were looking to connect with their loved ones. 12% said that they were open to travel to attend religious events or local festivities. Only a miniscule 5% of respondents said they would rather stay indoors.


How much do people want to spend on their travel post Covid?

The millennials are looking to invest in experiences rather than assets. 70% of the people shared they are willing to spend over INR 10K on a trip and about 15% said they can spend up to INR 50K per person on a trip.


What mode of transportation do people prefer post covid?

Flights continue to be the preferred mode of transportation.

About 55% respondents said they are planning to travel in December this year, and that they would opt for flights to get to their destination.

20% respondents said they would either travel by rented or personal vehicles. And, 1 in 4 respondents stated that they would opt for trains to get to their destination.

The increase in confidence can be attributed to the fact that the pandemic is now being considered an endemic, boosting the need to return to certain levels of normalcy albeit with precautions and safety measures in place.


Are people afraid of Covid during their travels?

Safety considerations and pandemic protocols remain #1 when planning travel among all age groups. Close to 50% respondents cited different aspects of safety as the most important factor while choosing a destination. Major deciding factors included Covid-19 protocols (26%), the number of current Covid-19 cases at the destination (13%) and the ability to have an isolated getaway (10%).

45% respondents said safety & hygiene standards at the stay option made for the deciding factor, while choosing a stay option.

Price, experiences offered, accessibility to attractions and accessibility to transport hubs followed on the priority list.


Vaccinate, test and mask-up please!

Vaccinations are working like a charm when it comes to boosting travellersโ€™ confidence.

1 in 3 travellers stated that they are comfortable travelling to destinations that allow only fully vaccinated travellers. Another 27% respondents said that they would have most confidence in destinations that mandate negative RT-PCR tests, in addition to complete vaccinations.


What masking protocols are consumers most likely to follow during travel?

Respondents seemed to be divided on the correct masking protocol, during travel. However, a majority of 32% lean towards wearing single masks; 28% felt safer with Single mask and face shield; 23% chose Double masks and 17% said they would still go with Double masks and face shields! After all, itโ€™s all about playing safe!