Who is Vijayapriya Nithyananda, Kailasa's representative with dreadlocks and a rudraksha necklace, speaking at a UN meeting in Geneva?

Nityananda posted her videos on his Twitter, which are now going viral.

Nityananda claims Vijayapriya as Kailasa's permanent representative at the UN.

In saffron attire, she sports a rudraksha necklace and maang-tikka.

Vijayapriya's Facebook profile says she lives in Washington, DC, with a Nithyananda tattoo on her arm.

Her LinkedIn profile says she did her BSc Honours in Microbiology and speaks four languages.

According to Kailasa's website, Vijayapriya makes pacts with organisations on behalf of the country.

At the UN meeting on February 24, she spoke about people of Kailasa being persecuted by the Indian government and how Nityananda has been exiled from his home country.

Nityananda founded Kailasa, a fictional country, after being charged with rape and fleeing the country in 2019.