On December 19, Indian batting legend Sachin Tendulkar revealed that in 1998 refused to do an ad because it was “disrespectful” towards the sport.

During a candid conversation with host Gaurav Kapur for an event, the former cricketer made a big revelation about an advertisement he was approached for – right after the Sharjah tour.

The ad showed where cricket balls coming at Sachin and him hitting them with a fly swatter, outside the stadium.

Sachin said they changed the script but if he would have said yes to the ad he wouldn’t have been able to go back home or even go back to his coach.

“That wasn't something they had taught me. They had inculcated right values and I stand by those values,” Tendulkar further said.

In his 24-year-long career, Sachin represented India in 200 Tests and 463 ODIs, as well as a single T20I.