Scientists study ‘world’s oldest meal’ to learn about our animal ancestors

The “last meal” consumed by some of the earliest known animals has helped scientists discover new clues about some odd ancient creatures that are our animal ancestors

Ediacaran biota, the lifeforms that were present on Earth during the Ediacaran period around 575 million years ago, are some of the world’s oldest large organisms.

Researchers analysed the molecular remains of  a slug-like organism called Kimberella.  According to the study, it had a mouth and a gut and digested food in the same way that modern animals do.

Dickinsonia, another organism that grew up to 1.4 metres in length, had a “rib-like design” on its body.  It was not a very complex creature and had no eyes, mouth or gut. Instead, the curious creature traversed the ocean floor and absorbed food through its body.

Both Kimberella and Dickinsonia lived on Earth about 20 million years before the Cambrian explosion and have structures like nothing that exists on Earth today.

Both Kimberella and Dickinsonia lived on Earth about 20 million years before the Cambrian explosion and have structures like nothing that exists on Earth today.