Actor Abhinav Kapoor, who had earlier worked with Tunisha Sharma, revealed that he did not know how to react when he heard about her demise. He also said that he never felt that the late actor was "tense or depressed".

The suicide of a young television actor Tunisha Sharma has been difficult to believe. Even as the nation is reeling from the shock, reports are doing the rounds that Tunisha was depressed and anxious.

And that her decision to kill herself emanated from her mental illness. While some of the acquaintances have said that she was indeed depressed, others have claimed that they have never seen her unhappy, tense or depressed.

Abhinav Kapoor, who has worked with Tunisha in the show Internet Wala Love, was shocked to learn about the demise of the actor and has now revealed that he cannot believe that Tunisha was suffering from depression.

The 21-year-old actress, who featured in the Ali Baba: Dastaan-E-Kabul alongside ex-boyfriend and co-star Khan, hanged herself inside a makeup room in Naigaon – the sets of her show.

The tragic death of the actress also took political colour with BJP leader Kapil Mishra connecting it with the Shraddha Aaftab  case,” Shraddha, Uma, Tunisha Sharma…everyday we are losing our daughters. We have to take immediate measures for discussion, dialogue, awareness and prevention on Love Jihad across the country. daughters have to be saved”