Bihar-Nepal earthquake,  Date - 15 Jan, 1934 Magnitude - 8.0 . Death toll:  8000 in Bihar. In the aftermath Mahatma Gandhi visited Bihar and said India was being punished for practicing untouchability.

Bhuj earthquake, Gujarat  Date: 26 Jan, 2001 The earthquake hit Bhuj in Gujarat on India's 52nd Republic Day. Magnitude - 7.7,  Death toll - 13,805 and 20,023

Latur Earthquake, Maharashtra, Date - 30 Sept,1993 52 villages were demolished in Western Maharashtra. Magnitude - 6.2,  Death toll - 10,000

Assam-Tibet earthquake,   Date - 15th August, 1950 Magnitude- 8.6. The epicenter was located in the Mishmi Hills in India. Death toll - 4800

Garhwal earthquake, – Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand,  Date: October 20, 1991. Many houses were destroyed in the Garhwal belt due to this earthquake Magnitude: 6.8  Death toll: 768