Barbie, a movie hyped up within its audience due to its nostalgic reference to the characters Barbie and Ken, is opposite its rival Oppenheimer, A biographical thriller based on life of the father of the atomic bomb.

Both movies had an ongoing relationship even before their release, as both movies were planned to be released on the same day July 21, 2023.

Both movies had an ongoing relationship even before their release, as both movies were planned to be released on the same day July 21, 2023.

The competition received extensive media coverage through numerous interviews, trailers, posts, and tweets, all asking the audience the pivotal question: "Which one will be your choice to binge-watch?"

The rivalry was clearly noticeable among fans of the respective movies. However, interestingly, the cast members of both films showed enthusiasm for the release of both movies, supporting them to reach new heights.

As per a trade data website Saknilk, there was a notable difference in the box office collections of the 2 movies. Barbie earned around Rs. 18.58 crore during its opening weekend, whereas its competitor, Oppenheimer, garnered a gross of Rs. 49.25 crore.

The battle is far from over, as both movies continue to generate hype and interest among the audience.  It remains too early to determine which film will ultimately prevail over the other.