
Ex-students, including Muslims, say Tripta Tyagi, never discriminated against anyone The New Indian team reaches Khubbapur village to find ground reality on Hindu-Muslim unity Muslims…

Ex-students, including Muslims, say Tripta Tyagi, never discriminated against anyone

The New Indian team reaches Khubbapur village to find ground reality on Hindu-Muslim unity

Muslims of Khubbapur village say those doing politics in Delhi don’t know ground reality

Its wrong to say Hindus slapped Muslims. I have been a student at the same school — Sadiq Khan, Muslim Local & ex student of teacher Tripta Tyagi

village seniors and several Muslim parents say Tripta prepared them for higher education and exams for jobs

Tripta ji prepared my kid for UPSC — Tasleem Khan Tyagi

Several Muslim villagers even say that Tripta provides free education to several Muslim kids

She teaches for free — Mujeeb Tyagi

A ground report by The New Indian’s three reporters from Muazaffarnagar