BJP leaders have been making visits to meet the head priest of Bageshwar Dham, who is currently on a visit to Bihar. Notably, on the night of May 16th, a program was organized exclusively for VVIPs, attracting the attention of Union State Minister Ashwini Choubey, who made a midnight visit to meet the revered Baba. Additionally, former Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad graced the Baba’s program on May 13th. However, RJD leader Tejpratap Yadav has taken a different stance, urging his supporters to oppose Bageshwar Baba and labeling him as a “coward” and “anti-national.” This has sparked controversy, with posters referring to the Baba as “420” popping up in Patna.
BJP leaders have been making visits to meet the head priest of Bageshwar Dham, who is currently on a visit to Bihar. Notably, on the…