Kerala Blast: Tragic incident involved a series of blasts that took place during a Jehovah’s Witness congregation gathering, resulting in the death of a woman and injuries to 52 others. It’s also worth noting that a day before these tragic events, Hamas leader Hmasas addressed a pro-Palestine rally organized by the Solidarity Youth Movement in Kerala’s Malappuram. The Solidarity Youth Movement is the youth wing of Jamaat-e-Islami, and during the rally, there were calls for uprooting Hindutva. A banner at the rally demanded the “uprooting Bulldozer Hindutva and Apartheid Zionism.” Four coordinated blasts were reported along the Yahova Convention Centre, a meeting where Kerala’s Christians usually meet to engage in religious prayers and discourse. For the past couple of days, the group had been engaged in a condolence prayer meeting in support of Israel, who are engaged in a conflict with Palestinians along the Gaza Strip.
Kerala Blast: Tragic incident involved a series of blasts that took place during a Jehovah’s Witness congregation gathering, resulting in the death of a woman…