CM Yogi said when the emergency service was launched in 2016, response time of PRV vans was one hour. “Today, it has come down to 9.44 minutes
CM Yogi Adityanath reviewed the functioning of the UP-112 emergency service and the 1090 women and child safety organisation


The Uttar Pradesh Police, under the Bharatiya Janata Party government, has brought down the average response time of emergency service Dial 112 from 1 hour…

The Uttar Pradesh Police, under the Bharatiya Janata Party government, has brought down the average response time of emergency service Dial 112 from 1 hour to 9.4 minutes, said UP Chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday.

CM Yogi Adityanath announced this while reviewing the functioning of the UP-112 emergency service and the 1090-women and child safety organisation.

The UP CM also reviewed the technical services of the Uttar Pradesh Police to ensure prompt police assistance during any possible surge in COVID-19 infections.

During the review meeting, CM Yogi Adityanath said that when the emergency service was launched in 2016, the response time of PRV vans was one hour. “Today, it has come down to 9.44 minutes,” he said.

Stressing further on bringing down response time, the CM emphasised increasing the number of PRV vans and equipping all of them with GPS devices and body-worn cameras.

CM Yogi Adityanath stressed that the usefulness of emergency services such as 112 depends on their quick response. “The success of reducing response time from an average of one hour in 2016 to 9:44 minutes has been achieved. Now there is a need to increase the number of vehicles and staff to further reduce response time,” the UP CM said.

CM Yogi Adityanath also praised the UP-112 service, which has proven useful in providing immediate police assistance to the general public in any emergency across the state.

The UP CM also acknowledged the work done by the skilled and dedicated police officers who have made UP-112 a professional service that meets the expectations of the general public.

“The integration of 112 with services such as 101, 108, 1090, and 181, along with the use of technology such as GPS, radio wireless, and mobile and web apps, has made this service highly practical,” he said.

CM Yogi Adityanath also congratulated all PRV staff, drivers, technical service professionals, call centre employees, civil police personnel, and officers associated with this service.

He emphasised that the usefulness of emergency services such as 112 depends on their quick response.

CM Yogi also highlighted the importance of providing escorts for women to reach their destinations according to their needs at night. “Female constables should be present in vehicles that transport women to their destinations,” he said.

In addition, different helpline numbers have been issued to provide immediate assistance to the general public in emergencies, and the general public should be made aware of these helpline numbers.