Ahead of the Rajasthan assembly elections, the Union Minister for Jal Shakti and Lok Sabha MP, Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, speaks to The New Indian, shedding light on the upcoming elections, discussing his political journey, his commitment to the Bhartiya Janta Party, and the key issues facing the state. Urvashi: As Rajasthan is going for its […]
NEW DELHI: As Madhya Pradesh elections are around the corner, Union Minister Prahlad Patel’s daughter Pratigya Patel shared insights into her father’s life, highlighting her family’s connection to Jabalpur ahead of the Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections in an exclusive interview with The New Indian. The New Indian team uncovered a side of Prahlad Patel’s children that isn’t focused […]
LUCKNOW: A bullet-riddled body was found inside the home of Union minister and BJP MP Kaushal Kishore’s son Vikas Kaushal residence in Lucknow early on Friday morning. The pistol used to shoot Vinay Srivastava is registered in the name of Vikas alias Ashu, who is said to be a friend of the victim, according to […]