The 42-minute documentary, directed by national award-winning filmmaker Kamakhya Narayan Singh, tells the moving story of Anastasia, a young Ukrainian refugee, and her mother, Ksenia, as they navigate the challenges of displacement.
NEW DELHI: Surging conflicts and the climate crisis are projected to leave 305 million people in need of humanitarian assistance by 2025, the United Nations (UN) reported on Wednesday. The UN has issued an urgent appeal for over $47 billion to provide vital aid next year. “The world is on fire… We are dealing with […]
Lord Meghnad Desai shared his insights into the ongoing Ukraine conflict, highlighting the increasing global dimensions of the war.
Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un exchanged lavish gifts during Putin's visit to North Korea, marking his first visit in 24 years.
Russian President Vladimir Putin will visit North Korea for the first time in 24 years, highlighting the growing relationship
Avdiivka, located in the Donetsk region, had been a focal point of clashes between pro-Russian separatists and the Ukrainian army since 2014.
If this interview snowballs into something big enough that shakes some inertia off the American voters, well, this is an 'election interference' that the American establishment created themselves.
The recent events around Nagorno Karabakh need a closer look. My last article in The New Indian did try to provide a brief background and outline, of the recent Azeri-Armenian conflict over this hill region; it also mentioned that Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan – who is a result of an orchestrated colour revolution – is so hopelessly pro-West […]
NEW DELHI: A controversy has erupted in Canada following the Canadian Parliament’s recent decision to honour a Ukrainian soldier who fought for Nazi Germany during World War II. This development has prompted a strong reaction from Russia, which has demanded clarification from Ottawa. Ukrainian soldier Yaroslav Hunka (98) was given a standing ovation by Ukrainian President […]
Speaker Rota publicly apologized for recognizing Hunka as a "Ukrainian hero" and expressed deep regret for his decision, which he described as entirely his own initiative.