The exact script was followed at Ambedkar University as in JNU. Call for screening, no permission from administration, defiance of ban, power cut, raising of Azaadi slongans and deployment of security forces.
View More Now, Ambedkar University screens BBC documentary; admin cuts powerthe modi question
BBC row: JNU students who halted screening fear ‘mob lynching’ by JNUSU
ABVP president Rohit Kumar confirmed to The New Indian both Gaurav and Vikas were ABVP members.
View More BBC row: JNU students who halted screening fear ‘mob lynching’ by JNUSUThere is nothing new in BBC documentary ban. Here is why
There is an outcry in a section of media over ban on BBC documentary against PM Modi. Is India only country to ban such controversial…
View More There is nothing new in BBC documentary ban. Here is why302 eminent Indians call BBC out for prejudiced, nefarious documentary
Over 300 eminent citizens, including 33 retired judges, 133 ex-bureaucrats, and 156 ex-army officers, released a letter on Saturday condemning the British Broadcasting Corporation documentary…
View More 302 eminent Indians call BBC out for prejudiced, nefarious documentary