Elvish Yadav, the popular YouTuber and winner of Bigg Boss OTT 2, has been granted bail after spending five days in custody in connection with the snake venom case. The 26-year-old content creator was arrested by the Noida Police under the Wildlife Protection Act, amidst allegations of involvement in the suspected use of snake venom as a recreational drug. Initially sent to a 14-day judicial custody, Yadav’s bail hearing was postponed earlier but eventually granted on Thursday. The news was confirmed by fellow Bigg Boss contestant Anurag Dobhal, who expressed his faith in divine justice, stating, “Uppar waala kabhi galat nahi karega Bail Granted.”
View More Elvish Yadav granted bail after 5 days in Snake Venom CaseSnake venom Case
Elvish Yadav case: Police releases recovered snakes into forest; suspect detained
Nine snakes, which were confiscated in Elvish Yadav case from the apprehended suspect, have been set free in the forest.
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NEW DELHI: Controversial YouTuber Elvish Yadav who has found himself under the scanner of the Noida Police, skipped out on his second summon in the…
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An FIR has been lodged against Elvish Yadav, accusing him of being involved in the supply of snake venom at rave parties in the Noida.
View More Elvish Yadav’s rave party scandal, snake venom, and covert operation explained