Several self-appointed spokespersons from the right-wing ecosystem took offense to Fadnavis’ remarks, accusing it of being an attack on freedom of speech and a selective targeting of Hindutva supporters.’ Fadnavis is unfazed and continues his war against those who deliberately insult national icons just for eyeballs.
View More Twitter handle that insulted Savitribai apologises to Fadnavis; RW titlists Ranga, Mitra defiantSavitribai Phule
Savitribai Phule Controversy: BJP has shot itself in the foot
While the BJP-RSS cadre works tirelessly on consolidating the Hindu vote, these online players, with limited expertise in the areas they discuss, continuously target OBC and Dalit icons, alienating them.
View More Savitribai Phule Controversy: BJP has shot itself in the foot