The BJP’s victory in Odisha is more than just a numerical win; it symbolises a seismic shift in power dynamics, ending a 24-year reign under Biju Janata Dal (BJD) chief Naveen Patnaik. With 78 out of 147 assembly seats and 20 out of 21 Lok Sabha seats, the BJP’s ascendancy underscores its growing clout and strategic prowess in navigating complex electoral terrains.
View More Naveen Patnaik’s fall: How the BJP seized power in OdishaSaffron party
‘Ye Sarkaar Topi walon ke khilaf hai’, says Lucknow’s Muslims
Maruf, a Lucknow resident of 40 years, expresses concern over the escalating tensions between the communities, “The government is running an agenda. I’ve been in Lucknow for 40 years.”
View More ‘Ye Sarkaar Topi walon ke khilaf hai’, says Lucknow’s MuslimsIs Singham star Prakash Raj joining BJP? Actor busts rumours
The 59-year-old, renowned for his candid criticism of the Narendra Modi government, took to X (formerly Twitter) to sarcastically address the rumours that had sent waves across digital platforms.
View More Is Singham star Prakash Raj joining BJP? Actor busts rumours