Captain America: Brave New World, releasing February 14, 2025, follows Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) as the new Captain America. The film explores themes of identity, leadership, and heroism, with new characters and villains including Red Hulk and the Serpent Society. Directed by Julius Onah.
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Kalki 2898 AD: Moviegoer said Sci-fi epic is one time watch
The Bollywood movie ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ received mixed reviews from moviegoers. The film boasts a star-studded cast with Amitabh Bachchan as Ashwatthama, Prabhas as Bhairava, and Deepika Padukone as a female slave pregnant with the tenth avatar of Lord Vishnu.
View More Kalki 2898 AD: Moviegoer said Sci-fi epic is one time watch