BJP leader Suresh Nakhua’s defamation suit against YouTuber Dhruv Rathee has encountered fresh challenges, with the Saket District Court scrutinizing defects in Nakhua’s affidavit.

BJP leader granted time to address defective affidavit in defamation case against Dhruv Rathee

BJP leader Suresh Nakhua’s defamation suit against YouTuber Dhruv Rathee has encountered fresh challenges, with the Saket District Court scrutinizing defects in Nakhua’s affidavit.

View More BJP leader granted time to address defective affidavit in defamation case against Dhruv Rathee

INTERVIEW | Twitter Files vindicate our stand on how journalists, analysts, politicians were censored: Lawyer who dragged Vijaya-Parag to courtroom

India lawyer Raghav Awasthi fought lengthy courtroom battles to ensure accountability on part of social media giants, to uphold one’s freedom of expression

View More INTERVIEW | Twitter Files vindicate our stand on how journalists, analysts, politicians were censored: Lawyer who dragged Vijaya-Parag to courtroom