Hemant Soren was sworn in as Jharkhand’s Chief Minister this evening, on July 4, marking the end of a five-month political journey. In January, he resigned just before being arrested by the Enforcement Directorate for a land fraud case worth crores. In June, he was granted bail by the High Court, which found no direct evidence of his involvement in the scam.
View More Hemant Soren returns as Jharkhand CM after 5 monthsJharkhand cm hemant soren
Soren Vows To Make Jharkhand Leading State, Seeks Centre’s Support
RANCHI (JHARKHAND): Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of 25 crucial development projects worth Rs 16,835 crores in Deoghar on Tuesday.…
View More Soren Vows To Make Jharkhand Leading State, Seeks Centre’s SupportJharkhand: Soren Launches Fresh Drive To Identify Statehood Activists
RANCHI: Jharkhand chief minister Hemant Soren on Friday launched a fresh campaign to identify those who were part of the statehood movement and vowed to…
View More Jharkhand: Soren Launches Fresh Drive To Identify Statehood Activists