JAMMU: The Director General of Police, J&K RR Swain on Monday inaugurated the Jammu & Kashmir Police Grievance Redressal Portal ‘Awaam Se, Awaam Ke Liye’…
View More J&K Police launches ‘Awaam Se, Awaam Ke Liye’ grievance redressal portalJammu kashmir encounter
HEART WRENCHING | My child became orphan before birth: 34-year-old Kashmir cop’s widow wails
SRINAGAR: “My child became an orphan even before being born,” said the grief-stricken widow of Inspector Masroor Ahmed Wani, who died in Delhi on Thursday,…
View More HEART WRENCHING | My child became orphan before birth: 34-year-old Kashmir cop’s widow wailsRajouri encounter update: 2 LeT terrorists neutralised, 5 soldiers martyred
JAMMU: In an ongoing encounter in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district, two terrorists affiliated with Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) were killed, while the toll of martyred soldiers reached seven, including…
View More Rajouri encounter update: 2 LeT terrorists neutralised, 5 soldiers martyred