Hemant Soren was sworn in as Jharkhand’s Chief Minister this evening, on July 4, marking the end of a five-month political journey. In January, he resigned just before being arrested by the Enforcement Directorate for a land fraud case worth crores. In June, he was granted bail by the High Court, which found no direct evidence of his involvement in the scam.
View More Hemant Soren returns as Jharkhand CM after 5 monthsHemant Soren Arrest
Hemant Soren in Jharkhand Assembly: Governor, Raj Bhavan orchestrated my arrest
Speaking about his arrest, Soren characterised it as a “dark chapter in India’s democracy,” implying a potential political conspiracy. He further alleged the involvement of the Governor and Raj Bhavan in orchestrating his arrest.
View More Hemant Soren in Jharkhand Assembly: Governor, Raj Bhavan orchestrated my arrest