In a shocking incident that has sent waves of panic, four puppies of a stray dog were burned alive by unknown individuals in North West Delhi's Pitampura area (Maurya Enclave).
Childhood forms the canvas upon which our perceptions of divinity and empathy are painted, often guided by influential figures. For me, these figures were my grandfather and elder brother, embodying kindness and reverence for all life. My grandfather’s universal compassion nurtured my belief that every existence holds sacred value. Simultaneously, my brother’s empathy towards injured […]
NEW DELHI: Julius is restless. Tintin is sleepy. The two dogs, a 7-year-old labrador and 10-month-old stray, are inseparable part of Abhilasha Joshi, who works steadfastly to protect lives of pets — either abandoned or injured in the national capital of India, often by rushing in aid to them and their owners. For once, Joshi […]