The 42-minute documentary, directed by national award-winning filmmaker Kamakhya Narayan Singh, tells the moving story of Anastasia, a young Ukrainian refugee, and her mother, Ksenia, as they navigate the challenges of displacement.
Melania Trump is expected to take on the role of first lady with her signature style.
After offering his prayers at the church, Nadda urged people to embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ, emphasising values of peace, harmony, and societal progress.
NEW DELHI: In a solemn Christmas message issued on Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached out to Christians worldwide, highlighting the ongoing conflict in Israel. “Merry Christmas to our Christian friends around the world,” he conveyed, juxtaposing the festive spirit with the stark reality that “Israel still does not know peace.” While Christmas traditionally […]
Captured by paparazzi, the little Kapoor charmed in a pink and white Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer-themed dress, paired with adorable red shoes.
NEW DELHI: With the Christmas season upon us, the anticipation of Santa Claus’s arrival fills the air. However, amid the eagerness for the jolly old man in the red suit, a not-so-friendly figure hides in the shadows—Belsnickel. This German counterpart to Santa Claus emerges from the folklore of the Palatinate region in southwestern Germany, known […]
NEW DELHI: St. Lucia’s Day, a significant December festival in parts of the Nordics, is celebrated on December 13, historically coinciding with the Winter Solstice in the old Julian calendar. Folklore associates this date with a perilous long night plagued by evil spirits, emphasising the importance of staying awake. This vigil was facilitated by eating, […]
NEW DELHI: Ukraine’s legislative move to shift its official Christmas holiday from January 7 to December 25 marks a strategic divergence from the Russian Orthodox Church’s customs, aligned with Russia’s traditions. The war-torn country is shifting from its invaders’ tradition, getting closer to its western ally. The bill, passed by Ukraine’s parliament and signed into […]
Statue of Mary garlanded with a rosary at one end of a series of Hindu idols and deities’ pictures, Christian families singing Carols in Hindi, analyst David Devadas writes about Kerala's inclusive religiosity