Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath resumes the 'Janata Darshan' program at his official residence on Thursday May 6. The program had been closed for the past two months due to the code of conduct imposed because of the general elections.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin announced on Friday that Google Pixel smartphones will soon be manufactured at a facility near Chennai. Samsung and Apple are already making their smartphones in Chennai.
CM Kejriwal has promised free electricity and mohalla clinics in Chhattisgarh
Pema Khandu, Arunachal Pradesh, Chief Minister, is one of the youngest faces in Indian politics. The popular political figure just completed a euphoric celebration of six years of his government. Rohan Dua, Executive Editor of The New Indian, speaks to him
GANGTOK: Recounting difficulties they went through while leaving Ukraine, many students who returned to their home in Sikkim, said they had to face racism, cold weather and the fear of shelling and bomb attacks by Russia. Calling the journey back home tough, taxing and dehumanising, Sneha Tamang, a medical student, said, “The journey has been […]