Delhi Elections 2025| Teach sex education from class 11: Avadh Ojha to Rohan Dua.

Delhi Elections 2025| Teach sex education from class 11: Avadh Ojha to Rohan Dua

On the topic of implementing sex education, Ojha proposed a structured approach. “From the 11th grade, they should learn about reproduction and awareness.”

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Lakshmi goes to those who dont become her slave; Not bad thing to make wealth: Aavdh Ojha to Rohan Dua.

Lakshmi goes to those who dont become her slave; Not bad thing to make wealth: Avadh Ojha to Rohan Dua

NEW DELHI: In an exclusive interview with The New Indian’s Executive Editor, Rohan Dua, AAP leader Avadh Ojha shared his unique perspective on wealth, success,…

View More Lakshmi goes to those who dont become her slave; Not bad thing to make wealth: Avadh Ojha to Rohan Dua