Actor and writer of the famous show ‘Taarak Mehta ka Oolta Chashma’ Shailesh Lodha, who hails from Jodhpur, came to support his friend Atul Bhansali who is a BJP candidate from Jodhpur city. The New Indian spoke to Shailesh who expressed his pride in being a Rajasthani and a Marwari. He also referred to Bhansali as ‘a friend and a part of his family’. He wants Jodhpur to be as beautiful as the other cities of Rajasthan- Jaipur, UdaipurĀ andĀ Kota.
Actor and writer of the famous show ‘Taarak Mehta ka Oolta Chashma’ Shailesh Lodha, who hails from Jodhpur, came to support his friend Atul Bhansali…