Delhi Police on Monday collected the voice sample of the main accused in the Shraddha Walkar murder case, Aaftab Amin Poonawala at Central Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI) Central Forensic Science Laboratory in Lodhi Colony.
Aaftab’s voice sample is being collected on the direction of court. The Delhi Police informed the court on Friday about the need to match his voice with an audio clip of Walkar and Aaftab in which the latter is purportedly heard yelling at the victim.
During the hearing, the court was also informed that Aaftab and his lawyer had refused to give the voice sample. They in fact objected the police request. However, the court noticed that the case is “sensitive” in nature and it needs a “fair investigation”, therefore the voice sampling is allowed.
Aaftab Poonawala is the main accused in the murder of his live-in partner 27-year-old Shraddha Walkar. Her body was allegedly chopped into 35 pieces, stored in a refrigerator and thrown in Mehrauli jungle in the month of May.
The matter came to fore last month, when the Shraddha’s father approached Delhi Police for his missing daughter. Shraddha was staying with Aaftab in a rented accomodation in South Delhi’s Mehrauli area.
Aaftab is presently lodged in Tihar Jail. On Monday morning, he was taken by a team of Delhi Police from Tihar to CBI’s CFSL lab.
Delhi Police has so far conducted Aaftab’s Narco and Polygraph test. Delhi Police sources said that these tests will help in the investigations. The police has also managed to get the DNA tests done on 13 parts of bones recovered from jungle matched with Shraddha’s father.
According to police officials in Mumbai and Delhi, Shraddha and Aaftab came in contact through dating app Bumble in 2019 when she was working at a call centre in Malad.
Shraddha was a Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM) graduate. Her parents were against her and Aaftab’s relationship, but she rebelled and eloped with Aaftab to Delhi. Mostly they lived in Mumbai but in May this year the couple shifted to Delhi.
Their relationship went sour due several differences over the years. Chats leaked by Shraddha’s acquaintances show that she was trapped in an abusive relationship. Aaftab strangled Shraddha following a tiff on May 18 in their rented accommodation in Mehrauli. With the precision of a professional killer, Aftab first put the dead body in the bathroom and waited for the night to think about what should be done for its disposal.
After spending the night with Shraddha’s corpse, Aftab bought a refrigerator and an iron saw on May 19. Then he chopped the body parts into 35 pieces. Each body part was wrapped separately in black plastic bags. He kept the bags in the refrigerator and disposed it off in forest areas of Mehrauli.