NEW DELHI: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital late Wednesday night after suffering injuries in an alleged knife attack near his residence. According to police sources, his son Ibrahim Ali Khan acted swiftly, transporting Saif to the hospital in an auto-rickshaw after taxi and private drivers in the area refused to help due to fear of police involvement.
The incident reportedly occurred around 10:30 PM in the upscale Bandra locality when Saif stepped out for an evening walk. Eyewitnesses claim that an unidentified assailant confronted Saif and slashed at him with a knife during an altercation.
While Saif managed to fend off the attacker and escape without life-threatening injuries, he suffered deep cuts on his arm and wrist.
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“Ibrahim Ali Khan’s presence of mind saved valuable time. Instead of waiting for an ambulance, he hailed an auto-rickshaw and rushed his father to the hospital,” a police officer familiar with the case told reporters. The officer added that several cab drivers were unwilling to assist, fearing potential legal entanglements.
Hospital sources confirmed that Saif is stable and undergoing treatment for his injuries. A close family friend revealed that the actor was shaken but recovering well. “Ibrahim has shown remarkable maturity in handling the situation. He stayed calm and made sure Saif got the necessary medical attention without delay,” the source said.
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The Bandra Police have launched an investigation into the incident. CCTV footage from the area is being analyzed to identify the assailant. Early reports suggest the attack may have stemmed from a personal dispute, but the exact motive remains unclear.