NEW DELHI: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who has been the face of Acko General Insurance in recent campaigns, is facing public scrutiny after an unexpected twist involving his insurance coverage. Khan, 54, recently endorsed Acko’s health insurance policies, promoting the benefits of their products for a wide consumer base. However, a leaked document revealing details about his insurance policy has raised questions about transparency and possible conflicts of interest.
The document, which was issued by Lilavati Hospital and Research Centre on January 16, 2025, confirms that Khan is currently undergoing treatment for unspecified injuries, with a surgical procedure planned. The approval for his hospitalization, including an upgrade to a luxury suite room, amounts to ₹2.5 million with a co-payment of ₹3.6 million. This has sparked controversy, as some have pointed out that the very company Khan endorses appears to be handling his health insurance claims.
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Critics have highlighted the potential ethical concerns surrounding the actor’s endorsement. “How can a public figure endorse a product while using the services of the same company for his own needs? There seems to be a lack of objectivity when promoting products that one personally uses, especially when dealing with health insurance, a sector that is sensitive and often criticized for its opacity,” said an industry expert.
While Khan has not made any public statements regarding the leaked details, his connection to the insurer raises important questions about the blurred lines between celebrity endorsements and real-life applications of the products being marketed.