NEW DELHI: In a shocking incident early this morning, a man allegedly entered actor Saif Ali Khan’s son, Jahangir’s room at around 2:00 AM. The intruder reportedly grabbed Saif’s housekeeper, Ariyama Phillips, also known as Lima, who began screaming for help.
According to sources, the noise alerted Saif Ali Khan, who rushed to intervene and protect his employee. However, as the actor confronted the attacker, the assailant allegedly attacked Saif with a sharp weapon. The attack left Saif Ali Khan and his housekeeper injured.
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The situation quickly escalated, and both Saif and Lima suffered injuries in the assault. They were immediately rushed to Lilavati Hospital for medical attention. As of now, their condition is reported to be stable, though the severity of their injuries has not been disclosed.
Police have been informed of the incident and are investigating to identify the attacker and understand the motives behind the assault. Initial reports suggest the individual may have entered the premises with malicious intent, though no clear motive has been established yet.
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This attack has raised serious concerns regarding the security of celebrities and their families. Saif Ali Khan and his family are yet to make an official statement, but fans and supporters have been expressing their concern and wishing for their quick recovery.
This incident adds to a growing number of security concerns in high-profile households, with many calling for stricter measures to ensure the safety of public figures and their staff. Updates on the condition of Saif Ali Khan and his housekeeper will be awaited.