NAGPUR: In his first public remarks following the Lok Sabha elections, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat emphasised the importance of humility and consensus-building in political discourse.
Speaking at a gathering of RSS leaders and workers in Nagpur, Bhagwat addressed the need for dignity and unity in governance, especially in the aftermath of a closely contested election.
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“A true sevak does not harbor arrogance but operates with humility, mindful of decorum and respect for others,” Bhagwat remarked, alluding to the need for humility in public service. He expressed concern over the lack of decorum during the election campaign, stating, “The kind of things that were said, the way the two sides castigated each other, the way no one cared about social divisions being created because of what was being done and for no reason the Sangh was dragged into this.”
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Bhagwat underscored the distinction between competition and hostility in elections, emphasising the importance of maintaining dignity and truthfulness. “Elections should be viewed as a competition, not war. Even in competition, decorum is important. One should not resort to untruths,” he asserted, highlighting the necessity of ethical conduct in political contests.
ALSO READ: RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat calls for nation-building post-election
Regarding the role of the opposition, Bhagwat advocated for respectful engagement and constructive dialogue. “I do not call it Virodhi Paksh, I call it Pratipaksh. The opposition is not an opponent but reveals another perspective that must be deliberated upon,” he clarified, urging all parties to uphold decorum in their electoral endeavors.
Bhagwat reaffirmed the significance of consensus-building in democracy, acknowledging the inevitability of differing viewpoints. “Elections are integral to democracy, and since there are two sides, there is competition. But even in competition, decorum is important. Consensus is our tradition,” he stated, emphasising the RSS’s commitment to fostering unity amidst diversity of opinions.