
Kailasa’s representative termed her leader’s act of wilfully fleeing the country to dodge investigation as being “exiled.” Nityananda has been banned from preaching and exiled from his birth country,” she said and also asked the panel what can be done to stop this persecution.

The representatives of a fictional country founded by rape accused and fugitive Nityananda, “Kailasa” have accused the Indian government of persecuting the self-styled godman. Calling the leader, the supreme pontiff of Hinduism, Ma Vijayapriya, Kailasa’s “permanent ambassador to the UN said, “The supreme pontiff of Hinduism and Kailasa have gone through intense persecution and human rights violation for reviving the indigenous traditions and lifestyle of Hinduism,” she said at a meeting of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) in Geneva on 24.

Kailasa’s representative termed her leader’s act of wilfully fleeing the country to dodge investigation as being “exiled.” Nityananda has been banned from preaching and exiled from his birth country,” she said and also asked the panel what can be done to stop this persecution.

“This question is about the rights of the indigenous people and sustainable development. I am here representing the United States of Kailasa. I am the permanent ambassador Vijayapriya Nityananda. Kailasa is the first sovereign state for Hindus. It was established by the supreme pontiff of Hinduism – Nityananda Paramasivam, who is reviving the enlightened Hindu civilisation and its 10,000 indigenous traditions including the Adi Shaivite agricultural tribes for which the supreme pontiff of Hinduism is the leader as well,” she added.

This was a UN event. However, it must be noted that Kailasa does not feature among the 193 countries recognised by the UN. CESCR is an open forum and registration was done through a link. It is a UN treaty body. The human rights treaty bodies are committees of independent experts that monitor implementation of the core international human rights treaties.

Each State party to a treaty has an obligation to take steps to ensure that everyone in the State can enjoy the rights set out in the treaty.

CESCR is  among the ten human rights treaty bodies composed of independent experts of recognized competence in human rights, who are nominated and elected for fixed renewable terms of four years by State parties. The treaty bodies meet in Geneva, Switzerland. All the treaty bodies receive support from the Human Rights Treaties Division of OHCHR in Geneva.

The CESCR committee has the authority to “receive and consider communications from individuals claiming that their rights under the Covenant have been violated. The Committee may also, under certain circumstances, undertake inquiries on grave or systematic violations of any of the economic, social, and cultural rights set forth in the Covenant, and consider inter-state complaints,” says a note on  UN CESCR website.

In 2020, Nithyananda claimed to have founded a new country after he “bought an island” off the coast of Ecuador. The ‘country’ has a flag, a constitution, an economic system, a passport and an emblem.

In 2019, Nityananda fled the country after he failed to appear before the court 40 times. In 2010, a non-bailable warrant was issued by the Karnataka sessions court against Nithyananda after he was accused of rape and child abuse. He was also named in a case of kidnapping and torture of children in Gujarat.