Rahul Gandhi, Congress politician, has been disqualified as a Lok Sabha MP, recently. He faced criticism for his behavior towards a journalist during a press conference. He asked the journalist to be a “better pressman” and suggested that he was working for the BJP, telling him to ask better questions with a better approach. This was Gandhi’s first media interaction since his disqualification, and he was accompanied by top Congress leaders. Responding to demands for an apology over his “Modi surname” remarks, Gandhi said that his name is Gandhi, not Savarkar, and that he is committed to defending the institutions of the country and the voice of the poor people. He also criticized the government over the Adani issue and stated that he is not afraid of going to jail and will continue to fight for the truth, even if he is disqualified or arrested.
Rahul Gandhi, Congress politician, has been disqualified as a Lok Sabha MP, recently. He faced criticism for his behavior towards a journalist during a press…
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